1. ($-20.00)
  2. ($+66.00)
  3. ($+25.00)


What is the basis for our catalyst price?

The price is calculated from the precious metal content and the precious metal exchange price. The catalyst consists of a metal container and a matrix. The matrix is 95 per cent ceramic and the remaining 5 per cent is sheet metal. The matrix is impregnated with precious metals in a certain proportion. The type of precious metal and its representation in grams can be determined by laboratory methods, most often by XRF analysis, the fastest method, called X-ray analysis, or ICP analysis, a chemical method that is expensive and slow. Purchased catalysts contain 3 precious metals in varying proportions, namely platinum, palladium and rhodium. Sometimes only pure platinum, pure palladium, or a combination of the two (e.g. platinum with rhodium, palladium with rhodium) or a combination of all three precious elements at the same time. Pure platinum catalysts are most often found in older diesel vehicles, after which other elements were added. Platinum-rhodium catalytic converters are most common in gasoline-powered old foreign cars - e.g. Mazda, Nissan, Hyundai, etc. The ratio of precious metals to the weight of the ceramic catalyst liner determines the actual weight of the precious metal in the monolith. I simply multiply the values for each precious metal from the XRF analysis by the weight of the catalyst liner to give us the values to calculate the price. The precious metal representation in grams or troy ounces is multiplied by the precious metal exchange price. Most often on the LME (London Metal Exchange). The results of trading and the price of precious metals are obtained from the server www.kitco.com, or other similar servers, often connected via API.

How do we buy catalytic converters?

The customer brings the car part, the catalytic converter, to us. Our technician has to check it, ideally in a condition where the catalytic converter can be easily checked for completeness. That is, so that it can be seen with the naked eye or a flashlight. The long tubes or the folds on the tubes are already cut. And we can see into the catalytic converter and we can assess the integrity of the catalytic converter. In the event that you do bring in catalytic converters with larger tubes, we can cut the tubes off on the spot. We don't cut catalytic converters and filters from trucks or buses on site due to the labor and time involved, we recommend cutting these ahead of time at your shop somewhere. Most of the time the catalytic converter should be full from some edge to the other edge where it is filled with a ceramic or sheet metal liner. The integrity of the liner and completeness of the ceramic liner will be assessed by our buyer. So-called "empty catalysts" without precious metal liners are not redeemed. A catalytic converter without a ceramic or sheet metal insert is just a piece of sheet metal.

Where does it come from?

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